Friday 24 August 2012

Valley of Peace

The first thing I noticed missing in this valley is fear.
Not for a moment I felt like a stranger here.
I didn't know that they are so friendly, they just start talking nicely without any hesitation.  

They are amazing; calm, civilized, caring, daring, intelligent, loving, harmless, helpful, honest, hospitable, humble, simple, shy, strong and straight forward.  
They know how to cherish nature, how to celebrate life everyday.  

I did not hear anyone talking loud and vulgar, no curious eyes to stare at us, no pushing while walking, no traffic violations so far, no honking, no fighting.

What they hate the most is America and impoliteness as politeness seems to be the core of their personality, especially towards the people of other provinces.  I love them for they are not rude to me because I'm from Karachi.  Few of them inquired me where I'm from and shared their experience in Karachi.  

This is how I have observed them in last three days. 

Iqbal Bhai was right.  He said, "Take my words, you won't have any problem there for a second, not a single person will hurt you, in fact, they will love you if you be polite to them."

He had already answered my questions regarding their life style, restrictions and women.  I had told him that I can't bear any restrictions and they should not expect me not to walk among men.  

All he said was,  "no problem".    

I think of myself one lucky person who chose to spend time among these stupendous people,
and I love myself for that reason.

A food place at the bank of the river

This is where we had our first breakfast in Swat.

Traditional Swati breakfast, paratha, anda and tea

We ate our first dinner at Zaiqah Restaurant.

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