Friday 24 August 2012

Misconceptions About The People Of Swat

I bothered Iqbal Bhai the whole month of July inquiring about the people of Swat.

I thought he would be annoyed with my questioning, "I've heard they don't allow women on roads and markets, they don't allow taking pictures, they don't allow mobile with cameras, they don't allow women visiting there without a mehram, they don't pet dogs, they live like old times, they are not progressive, they don't want to be the part of Pakistan and are up to making Pakhtunistan...."

But no, he kept answering me with one sentence, "Baji aap jaao aur khud dekho keh kiya such hay."

My presence here is the answer to all my questions.

I have been here for three days without any mehram.

I am staying alone in the hotel, no fear at all.  The hotel management and the staff are very hospitable and professional.  In seconds they reply 'welcome' when hear 'thank you'.  They don't stare but greet me with a smile and salam.

I have been in the market accompanied by a cousin of Iqbal Bhai who is a naa-mehram, for communication purpose.  He showed me the market for women at five minutes walk right behind my hotel.  I saw the shopkeepers were all men while women in veil or chadar were shopping around.

I have taken hundreds of pictures with my mobile, no objection from anyone so far.

I have seen people petting and patting dogs.

They have all kind of shops and malls, selling anything that people would need, even foreign products.

They are progressive-minded and very skillful too as they have built beautiful hotels and guest houses on the Bypass (the road along the river) and on the side of the climbing roads to the peak of the mountains.

They are proud of their national identity.  They love Pakistan and honor Pakistan Army.  75% of the shops have shutters painted either with the national flag of Pakistan or just green and white to show their solidarity to the rest of the Pakistan.  Some people even paint the sloped roof of their houses the same way.  That is not it.  People proudly decorate their shops, houses, vehicles with the flag of Pakistan.  I even saw a car having cushions made of green and white fabric with the sequences glued to make crescent and star.

They supported Pakistan Army against Taliban.  They are willing to promote tourism in Swat and their connection to the whole world --- but not at the cost of their culture and traditions.  They feel proud of being Pakhtoon, own Pashto language, value their traditions, respect each other.
According to Iqbal Bhai, a real Pakhtun would die for two things; his land and the honor of his women.

Shutters painted Pakistan

 Pakistan's flag on a milk shop in Swat 

House built in mountain in Swat

A modern designed hotel in Swat

An  under construction hotel in Swat


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