Friday 7 September 2012

Traveling in Rain

It was a wonderful experience to travel in heavy rain,
just like everything was dancing on song of rain drops,
passing by farms and climbing roads,
it started raining from Islamabad until I got off at my point in Abbottabad,
my mobile was unable to capture the true colours of nature that my eyes witnessed,
Glory be to Allah,
Praise be to Allah,
The Creator of all the beauties,
Allah is the Greatest of all!

Hari Pur, Hazarah 

Hari Pur, Hazarah

Hari Pur Hazarah - traveling in rain

The gate to enter Hazarah Division

a farm in Hazrah

mountain, rain, farm and me on the road to Abbottabad

on the way to Abbottabad

traveling on the mountain in heavy rain - Abbottabad

rain, road and ride

road to Abbottabad

The Silk Road - Shara-e-Resham, Abbottabad


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